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Guidance Department Calendar and College Visit Schedule

College Visit Schedule

  • Meetings with seniors regarding post-secondary planning

  • College Fair
    PSAT Administration
    SAT Administration
    Career decision-making intro in Wellness classes (continues throughout the year)
    Introductory meetings with 9th grade students
    Parent workshops regarding the college admission process and financial aid

  • College recommendation letter writing
    Visits from college representatives, who meet with counselors and interested students

  • Meetings with Juniors regarding college search and selection

  • Transition program for 8th grade students at JFK Middle School

  • Scheduling / course selection process for all Grade 8 – 11 students
    8th Grade Parents’ Night
    SAT prep course (if there is sufficient demand)

  • Meetings with 10th grade students regarding upcoming MCAS testing and planning program of study

  • MCAS administration
    SAT administration
    AP exam administration
    Parent workshop regarding college selection and admission process

  • Scheduling / conflict resolution for all students
    Follow up meetings with juniors regarding post-secondary planning